Things to Know Before Installing Solar Rooftop for Long-term Cost-saving

Solar energy is becoming a highly popular source of alternative energy among entrepreneurs across business and industrial sectors today. Many companies have opted for a rooftop photovoltaic system (solar rooftop) because, in addition to being a clean and eco-friendly energy solution, it enables saving on electricity bills which contributes to lower cost of production and helps align their business operation with sustainability goals.

Entrepreneurs who are new to solar rooftop and seek to install it should obtain knowledge and ensure sound understanding of this energy solution in order to make the most out of their solar rooftop for as long as possible.

What Is Solar Rooftop?

Solar rooftop converts solar energy into direct current (DC) electricity using solar panels mounted on the roof of the building it would supply electricity to, or on other outdoor structures, such as carports, if the building’s roof does not provide enough mounting space. The DC power is then fed to an inverter to convert it to alternating current (AC) that can be supplied to machineries and electrical devices within that building.

Get Key Information Readily Prepared for Configuration

It is important for entrepreneurs to have relevant information prepared before installation, such as nature of business operation and the building’s electricity needs. This will enable detailed configuration of the solar rooftop system, including its size and solar capacity. Below is a list of needed information.

  • Overview of electricity usage based on electricity bills over the past 12 months
  • Electrical single-line diagram
  • Electronic load profile

Equally important is inspection and preparation of rooftop space to ensure that the building’s roof can properly accommodate the needed number of solar panels. Key areas of inspection include type of building’s roof as well as size and structural strength of the roof frame.

Another important preparation is to seek authority’s approval for solar rooftop installation, which calls for presentation of documents such as building construction permit, structural drawings and calculations, etc.

Stay Trouble-free with Installation by Expert Provider

Installing a solar rooftop system is not just about mounting solar panels on the roof and then simply expect the power supply to be available immediately. Rather, it calls for attentive oversight of specialised engineers right from site inspection and assessment through to system design and configuration to each site. These include calculations to determine the number of solar panels to be mounted for optimum use of roof space in relation to its structural characteristics, supervising how the solar rooftop system is connected to the building’s electrical network, system setup to ensure suitable solar capacity for actual power needs, choice of solar panels that correspond with power usage behaviours, and use of high quality devices and components based on the needs of each entrepreneur.

To choose a solar rooftop provider, consider one who offers one-stop services and complete selection of devices and components. More importantly, a good provider must be staffed with the specialists. All these will help ensure strong photovoltaic performance, cost-effectiveness and safety while minimizing risk of future issues with the system.

Do Not Overlook After-sales Service

Solar panels normally provide up to 25 years of service life. However, regular maintenance and care of the panels through their lifespan along with regular inspection of overall functionality and performance of the solar rooftop system are very important. Do not overlook the advantage of choosing a provider who can provide after-sales care quickly and consistently till the end of product life. Consider a provider who runs a call center where customers can report their technical issues 24/7, provide system inspection by engineers on a regular basis, and offer a smart service application for customers to review their electricity usage data themselves and report any system issues round the clock to reassure long-term photovoltaic performance and cost-effectiveness of the system.

Having a solar rooftop system installed can help businesses cut down their energy and operating costs in long term and continue their business progress sustainably. One of the decision factors is to choose a respectable provider who has solid expertise and reliable after-sales care, which will reassure long-term usability and cost-effectiveness of a solar rooftop system.