Banpu NEXT is a leading Smart Energy Solutions provider in Asia Pacific. The company supports the transition to Net Zero society with the five core businesses groups; are Renewable Power, Energy Storage Systems, Energy Trading, e-Mobility, and Smart Cities & Energy Management.
our subsidiary
In progress
In progress
(Total 2.7 Gwh On Equity Basis)
*Data as of Q3/2023
25 million trees *
841million liters *
451,774 ton *
* Data as of Q1/2024
* Since Commercial Operation Date (COD)
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Group Senior Vice President – Strategy and Investment
Senior Vice President - Energy Generation and Trading
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Group Senior Vice President – Strategy and Investment
Senior Vice President - Energy Generation and Trading
Senior Vice President -
Vice President - Innovative Technologies and Solutions
Vice President - Banpu NEXT EcoServe Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of Banpu NEXT Co., Ltd.
Senior Vice President -
Business Development (Thailand)
Head of Branding and Marketing Communications
Banpu NEXT Co., Ltd.
24th Floor, Thanapoom Tower, 1550 New Petchburi Road, Makkasan, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400